25 Southeast Boulevard, Pakenham VIC – 3810, Australia

Synthetic grass, otherwise known as artificial grass, has become extremely popular these days. From sports arenas to residential lawns, this grass is being widely used.

But what is the reason behind the popularity of this type of grass over natural grass? The amazing benefits synthetic grass has to offer!

It can do a lot more than just transforming an area where grass just refuses to grow. So, here we have listed six advantages of synthetic grass which make it the perfect choice today.

Year-Round Beauty

Do you find yourself wishing that natural grass stayed green the entire year? The lush green appearance of the grass is what makes it desirable. However, natural grass is unable to provide you with year-round beauty as it is affected by the weather and seasons.

Synthetic grass, on the other hand, can retain its lush green appearance throughout the year, irrespective of the climate. It can withstand tough weather conditions such as harsh temperatures and drought and still look vivid and appealing.

Benefits of synthetic grass you should know

Durable and Safe

Maintaining a natural lawn often requires the use of harsh chemicals such as insecticides and herbicides to manage unwanted pests. Many of these chemicals can be harmful if they come into contact with skin or are ingested.

This can be a major concern for households with pets or children.

Moreover, these substances can pose environmental risks, particularly in drought-prone areas, where they may seep into the local water supply.

Artificial grass does not require such chemicals.

Synthetic grass doesn’t require pesticides, herbicides, or fertilisers to maintain its appearance, as it isn’t affected by bugs or weeds. This means your lawn can look great year-round with minimal upkeep and no chemical treatments.

Additionally, artificial turf is extremely durable and capable of withstanding much more wear and tear than natural grass.

Maintenance Free

By now, you must have realised that synthetic grass requires almost no maintenance at all. All you need to do is install synthetic grass, and you can enjoy your lawn without worrying about any other work to be done.

So, if you desire to have a natural aesthetic but do not have the time for maintenance, choose artificial grass.

Environmentally Friendly

Artificial grass is a great eco-friendly choice for your home. One of the biggest benefits is that it doesn’t need water, which helps you save on water use in your community.

Plus, because it doesn’t need pesticides or herbicides to stay green and healthy, you do not have to worry about exposing your family to harmful chemicals or harming the environment.

Another cool thing about artificial or fake grass is that it’s often made from recycled materials, like plastic bottles.

This helps reduce waste in landfills and supports sustainability. Many manufacturers are also committed to using green production methods, such as renewable energy and minimising water use during manufacturing.

Allergy Friendly

Artificial grass has become a popular solution for those who are allergic to ragweed pollen. Not only does artificial grass look great, but it also offers significant benefits for allergy sufferers.

Pollen from natural lawn grasses can trigger allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever. This makes spring and early summer a tough time for many, with symptoms like watery eyes, runny noses, and constant sneezing.

It can be especially frustrating when the whole family wants to enjoy the nice weather outside.

One of the main perks of having artificial turf is that it helps reduce hay fever symptoms. By swapping out real grass for fake, hay fever sufferers can stay allergy-free during the warmer months, allowing them to spend more time enjoying their garden.

synthetic grass or artificial grass benefits

Flame Resistant

One of the fantastic features of synthetic grass that often gets overlooked is its flame resistance. Yes, you heard that right! Modern synthetic grass is designed to be flame resistant, adding an extra layer of safety to your outdoor spaces.

Imagine you’re having a barbecue with friends and family. With natural grass, there’s always a tiny bit of worry about sparks flying or an ember escaping and setting the lawn on fire. But with flame-resistant synthetic grass, you can enjoy your cookout with peace of mind.

This grass is made from materials that are specially treated to resist catching fire.

So, while you’re enjoying the lush, green, low-maintenance benefits of synthetic grass, you can also take comfort in knowing that it adds a layer of safety to your home. It’s just one more reason why synthetic grass is a smart choice for modern living.

Where Can You Find The Best Synthetic Grass?

Now that you know how beneficial synthetic or artificial grass can be, it is natural that you would want to buy the best in the market for your place.

Well, in that case, look no further than Titan Trade Centre. Our synthetic grass, Terra Turf, possesses all of the excellent qualities mentioned above. From being low maintenance to fire resistance, it has everything you would need.

So, contact Titan Trade Centre today to get the best quality artificial grass at the most reasonable price.

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